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the world-cultural-heritage in 2025

Le patrimoine culturel mondial

El patrimonio cultural mundial

                The World-Cultural-Heritage                

​Das Weltkulturerbe

Paulus and the commissioned journeys

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the Elite Class
of the World Population
To the Federal Republic of Germany
To all Readers

Germany, Luebeck, 14 January 2025

​The German-language document you may find here!

La traducción libre al español se encuentra aquí!

It was fitting that God should perfect the originator of salvation through suffering. (Bible / Heb 2:5-12)

Dear Readers, Dear Thinkers on the Matter and on Commission from the Lord and Creator,

As can be seen from the subject line, after the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord, the Apostle Paul sat down, reflected and sent his letters to the various communities. In this case, he addressed a letter to the Hebrews, which was intended as a Bible reading for today and recorded as such.

It talks about the world to come and angels, whom Paul saw as elevated a little during the life of Jesus, as a person or a pseudonym. He also passes on an appreciation of the Creator to the church and mentions the omnipotence of God through the universe and his gracious will.

Paul considers it appropriate that God, who wanted to lead many sons to glory, perfected the originator of his salvation through suffering, in that Jesus Christ was thereby sanctified and given all power. Not only was the Son of God sanctified, but also his brothers, as Paul proclaims in this letter in his often praising, almost rhapsodic manner, which suggests a higher level of being. What Paul probably did not know or consider, however, is the fact that all saints are perfected by suffering, and preferably the Apostles belong to this group!

Thus, differences become clear here, from the mention of angels to the brothers or Apostles and further to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord God, who was appointed by the Creator as ruler of the earth and the universe.

Actually, far too little thought is given to angels and nobody knows much about the existence of angels, although they are said to have appeared to some people and are also mentioned and described in the Book of Revelation.
But according to the Book of Revelation, angels are not always peaceful, but usually carry out instructions that can also cause people a great deal of trouble. Thus, it is not always clear who gave the instructions or from which side an angel, should there actually be angels, received these or those instructions.

According to the traditions of the Quran, Mohammed, the founder of Islam, also had these multiple appearances and inspirations through an angel, or rather through the angel Gabriel. If it actually happened in this way, then the urgent question arises as to who commissioned the angel. The answer can be found retrospectively, although it is not easy to find the originator or commissioner of a great religious doctrine that is foreign to us Christians today. For Islam is characterised today by an essential ritual of a believer in which man humbly submits to his Creator in prayer, which is actually also in the nature of things.

In a sense, these are the essential conditions for an almost impossible or rare communication between man and Creator, in that Islam contacts the great God Allah directly.

Hardly any other religion is comparable to this submission to its god, which contains additional safeguards of faith against differently believing people through Mohammed and the Koran.
The ‘holy war’ and the killing of the ‘unbelievers’ that is required in the event of a contradiction to Muslim religious teaching is a part of the Koran and religious teaching that is foreign to us.

Unfortunately, as a human race, we have developed particularly dangerous chemical and nuclear substances through our advanced civilisation, which will indeed complete the Originator of Salvation, and because of that, many ‘angels on earth’ will presumably experience atomic energy, which has already become apparent in the form of cancer or genetic errors or defects, and will particularly affect children!

And that has been in the air for a long time, on the one hand because of wars, on the other hand because of increasing reactor accidents and in addition because of possible attacks by UFOs through the over-range, because you ignored or did not understand the writings of my person or you were too cowardly for the truth and preferred to play your stupid games at the expense of my person! Yesterday, my person already wanted to throw in the towel because my reflection clearly showed me that the time available to me in the whole matter is over and now just a little time will remain for damage control. 

The most important thing has obviously been achieved, in that life after that could also be secured for the Authorities and thus for me, which includes everything and everyone else affected, in that my person will not be available and, in the most serious of cases, cannot be found!

This means, of course, that I as a sovereign will live my life as a single person and that the Emperor should also live his life freely and independently, while at the same time the King can live his life freely and unconstrained!

We, as the triune Authority, who, despite everything, should each live in a castle, have not owed each other anything, and if it should be otherwise, these debts to me are cancelled from my side!
Of course, every thinking person remains indebted to Creation, and that will never pass away!
The time for the stupid games of the people of Luebeck, who also accommodate foreign or Muslim citizens, has come to an end for me, and this was already foreseeable a long time ago. These Muslim citizens should have been able to testify as important contemporary witnesses to what exactly happens to a Muslim after death and where or in what exactly a Muslim enters, even if it should be unbearable, because that has absolutely nothing to do with a promised paradise, quite the opposite!

Even if there is much more than just the devil and his henchmen, you and others should have considered that the time for my work as a manager and Empress is running out and you should have known that between the Emperor and the Empress lies the whole world with all religious communities and people, in that precisely this flow of information, which is offered and secured via homepages, must be functional in this regard and must be used at least billions of times over and worldwide, in that everyone would have become active for the sake of themselves and their children and action in this matter must have been the order of the day!

The hunger in the world has not been ended and neither have abortions, so that my person could not even get her pocket money and the Cudgel in time. But you or others probably expect further information that my person cannot give because no instructions and orders from my person have been carried out in Luebeck and the surrounding area.

So it is no wonder that a Muslim does not dare to testify to anything essential, unless the citizens of Luebeck come to themselves and find to the truth, whether voluntarily or through official coercion or the TVs take over this part of the ‘paradise birds’. If the latter is the case, then the commission through the cultural tours will become difficult to impossible for everyone, because you as Christians and others will now have to sort this out yourselves on the ground, since I will no longer be able to travel and be available on commission from next week, also because I already lack the pocket money and the trust!

Kind regards, Ursula Sabisch,

HP: One possible explanation for the behaviour of the citizens of Luebeck and the population would be that the seriously ill people probably cannot recognise any difference between a film recording by humanly developed technology on earth and a life that is not filmed but lived, which must always be ‘stored’ and available somewhere in the Creation, usually by Jesus Christ our Lord, for each individual person!
But even such a misunderstanding could have been cleared up, especially by the pilgrims of hope in the Holy Year!